and dats their bloggy...their hooman sis iz sick rite now....Her name is Maizie and shes 9 years old....her has seizures, and dey haff been pretty bad lately....me nos how we all band together, to keep all da doggies, kitties and hammies in our hearts when dey sick, me finks it shood go fur der hoomans too...if u wood and haff time, will u go c her and tell her u iz thinkin of her....dat wood b sooo cool, and me shure Stella and Darwin and der mom, Marla and dad wood so muchies appreciate it....fank u....who nos u mite brighten up a sick little 9 year old girls day!!!
b safe,
Oh man...how sad...We'll go visit them!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Hi, Lacy Lulu!
Paws crossed for Maizie.
Kisses and hugs
That's terrible that she has seizures. I will head over to their bloggie now & offer them some support!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh dear. I'm keeping my paws crossed for Maizie.
~ Girl girl
Thank you so much for this! We sure do appreciate it! Maizie will be happy to know you are all thinking and praying for her. We love ya!
Well, of course it extends to their humans. We are sorry Maizie is sick and we will stop by to wish her good health.
jans funny farm
PS - In case you were aware Charlotte was missing, she's home now.
Hi Lacy Lulu! Thanks for always giving us information about doggie friends in need. You're always very helpful. I am glad to go visit Stella and Darwin and I appreciate your announcements.
Your friend, Lenny
This is very sad... I'll keep my paws crossed for her too.
Woofies, Alex
Our paws are crossed for Maizie!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We will stop over and cheer her up Paws crossed Love A+A
We are sorry to read this, and have been over to leave our good wishes.
love and licks, Marvin in Scotland xxxx
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