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This bloggy is watched over by an angel...angel lacylulu, we love u soooo much, u brought so much joy into our lives...we will miss u always....This blog is now dedicated to her memory!!!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Mama to all the mama's and daddy's out there!!

Hi all!!

I guess u all know that my dr's think i have lung cancer....My breathing has been kinda bad for the last couple weeks, and since i went into respitory arrest last June we dont take to many chances...I went to my reg dr for him to give me some antibotics and prednisone to help it last Friday...Today, was my follow up visit, the breathing was better, no hospital this time...which brings me to my problem, and if u dont mind i will send u to Tasha and Eva's bloggie to explain it all....My one bad noduler is growing, not in diameter, but in denseity....

This is from Tasha and Eva's bloggy:::

Recommendations based on Tasha's lungs being the primary concern right now would include some type of sampling of the lungs. This can be achieved via needle aspirate, which has risk of introducing air into the chest. Other means include
a. Transtracheal Wash (TTW): This is a procedure generally done on an awake patient. A stab incision in the skin over the trachea allows us to pass a catheter into the trachea and lungs. A small amount of sterile water is flushed in and hoping the patient cough, a sample is retrieved. This often can be unsuccessful with regards to sample size and can be very stressful for all involved.
b. Bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL): This is a similar procedure to the above, but it allows us to visualize what is occuring within the lungs and airways themselve, and allows us to obtain much larger fluid samples to search for infection/disease. This is performed under general anesthesia.
This is the most common fungal disease found in Minnesota and often present with respiratory symptoms, although any area of the body can be infected. To diagnose this disease, most veterinarians prefer to actually find the organism in a sample, whether it is an aspirate of a lymph node, fluid drainage from a wound, lung sample/aspirate. However, it can be very difficult to find on occasion. There is a blood test, a titer that can be performed, but it often is less reliable because patients may not be mounting an adequate immune response (the test looks for antibodies to the organism) or it may be too early in the disease course. There is a new test looking for Antigens, markers on the organism itself. The studies performed on the test are very promising and the test can be run on blood, urine or even fluid obtained from the lungs if we do a BAL.

This is more or less what they want to do to me.....I sure hope they dont mind i took this from their bloggie...My doctors are wondering why i havent already agreed to doing one of these procedures...How do i tell them i had a dog die from the anesthsia not long ago...and i am scared as hell....

My next ct-scan is in July.....I told them i would decide what to do and which procedure to go with then...My question is, which one and how do i get over being so afraid to do either one...if u have any suggestions i would very much appreciate it....

Peace and Luv,


The Daily Echo said...

We're so very sorry you're having to face these frightening challenges. We will remember you in our prayers and will be asking that you be given the strength to make the decisions you need to make.

Katherine and Pippa said...

Hi Claudette

Not sure what to say cos it is the middle of the night.

Will try and think of some sensible advice tomorrow.

Right now all I can do is send you hugs and love.


Lorenza said...

So sorry we don't have a good advice for you but we are sure you will make the right decision for yourself!
We will be praying for you.
Kisses and hugs
Lorenza and mom

Princess Eva and Brice said...

I'm sorry to hear the challenges that you are facing. But there are differences in diagnosis and treatments in humans vs. in dogs. My research was only on the options available for dogs.
Yes, the options are scary. But please remember that you can't fight it if you don't know what it is.
I hope you find the strength to discuss your fears with your doctors and make sure that they fully explain the pros and cons of the different procedures that are available for you. If your doctor cannot lessen your fears, talk to another and another, until you can find someone who can help. It is normal to fear the unknown but it is up to you to control the fear and not let it control you.

Knowledge is power.

Vicky (Eva's Momma)

P.S. I can be reached via the email address on Eva's blog.

Toffee said...

Claudette -
I am assuming that I am writing Angel Lacy's momma right? At first I thought you were speaking of a canine patient with this disease but after reading the comments I realized that I was mistaken.

I understand your fears about anesthesia; I anesthetize furry patients on a daily basis and I was STILL scared to have anesthesia done on me when I had a lump removed.

I completely agree with Eve's mom's comment - how will the doctors know what to treat if they do not know what they are treating. If you were a canine patient I would have recommended the fine needle aspirate; it is a different ball game with a human. Please make sure you find someone that you are comfortable with - that is key, trust is very important.

We love you.
toffee & toffee's mom

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Claudette,
I am so very sorry to hear abt this. I really don't know what to say except that we will be praying for you. *BIG HUGS*

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh dear Claudette, all these must be very scary to you. Sorry that we dont have any advise but you'll be in our thoughts. Be brave and strong. We'll keep our paws crossed for you

~ Girl girl

i said...

Claudette, so sorry to hear this. Don't really have good suggestions for you but will let you know if I come across any. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Stay strong now.


Dandy Duke said...

You're in our thoughts and prayers, Claudette! This is not an easy choice but we're sure you'll choose the right one.

Love ya lots,
Maggie, Mitch and Sue

Amber said...

dear claudette.We are sorry to hear about this. You will be in our thoughts! Hope you get better real soon!!!!

God bless you!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about all your health problems Claudette- I wish there was something I could do or say to help you - no wonder you are scared. You are in my thoughts and prayers. And Lacy is up there watching over you.

Asta said...

Mommi says she agweeswif all the hoomans who awe saying you have to find a dogtow you weally twust and can talk to...when Daddi had his cancew suwgewy, we looked andlooked untill we found somone we felt weally good awith..you need somone who can calm youw feaws and undewstands the bestest option fow you..We will be pwaying adn cwossing my paws fow you!!!!
Stay stwong and know that lots of us awe hewe fow you and Angel Lacy Lulu is watching fwom above
smoochie kisses

Snowball said...

Hi Claudette, I understand your fear. I think you just have to have faith in your doctor. Be brave. We will be sending you good vibes and will pray for you.


Deetz said...

Goodness Claudette
First of all.....BIG huge paw hugs
Second....my mum told me that sometimes when she is confused or is looking for an answer, she will wait until she awakes sometimes in the middle of the night, for no reason, cuz it usually means God wants to talk to her about something. She says alot of times her questions or concerns get answered if she is just really really quite and listens. She doesn't go to church or anything, and since dogs don't have church, neither do I. But, she says she believes and thats all she can do. You will know. She tells me to tell you that
Deetzy boy

The Army of Four said...

We will be praying for you. May God give you strength, understanding and courage.
With love,
Karen and the Ao4

Harry said...

We are praying that you can come to a decision Claudette. The main thing is not to hide away, but face up to getting some tests done so at least you know what you're facing. Lots of love to you.

Katy x

Thor and Jack said...

We don´t know what to say or to do for help you, Claudette! You are in our thoughts and prayers! We love you!!

Thor and mom

River said...

We are living with the same type of illness with my beagle sister, Sasha. They did a tracheal wash last summer to find out what it might be--it was bacterial so we could treat it with antibiotics. She has another cancer, completely different that is untreatable and we will lose her soon. But the procedure last summer gave us a chance to have her longer and have her be comfortable. The tests are worth the trouble--knowing what it is will help the drs find a way to make you comfortable. Fear of the unknown is so much worse than knowing. Trust us, please.

love & wags from
River & all the siblings & the mom

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, Claudette, What a dilemma! We don't have any advice. We just want to send purrs and tail wags your way to encourage you right now.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That is very sad news. We don't have any advice either. But hang in there and hope for the best..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Claudette -

This is distressing news to hear. We certainly can understand why you are scared of the anesthesia. Angel Lacylulu will watch over you.

We are here for you and hope that your doctors will listen to you. Did they recommend a second opinion for you?

Rocky and Bear take good care of your Mama.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Agatha and Archie said...

Deareest Claudette,Pl2 the nurse here.I agree with all of the above. Although I know you are scared you do need to find out what it is so you can get the right treatment. Make sure you like your Dr and that you feel comfortable talking to him and asking him lots of questions. . Then if you have to have anaesthesia make sure you talk to the Anaesthesiologist and tell him why you are scared ( tell him about Lacy LuLu) The same thing goes for him.nake sure you like him and trust him. Then when they find out what it is they will figure out what to do and you will ask them lots of questions(start wrting them down now if you are thinking of any) Be brave and know we all love you and are behind you and of course you have your dearest Lacy Lulu looking over you. PL2 and A+A

andrahyb said...


We're so Sorry that this comment came in late! We're indeed very sad to know about it. We really do not know what is 'right' to say at this moment but please please do let us know if you need anything, we just hope even we are miles apart, we still can do something for you even at this side of the earth.

Speak to our ABBA, father. I am sure 101% that he would give you all the guidance that you may need. Search for the inner peace in your heart to the right procedures. May he keep you safe under his almighty wings.

We pray for you that no matter what... "1000 shall fall at your sight, 10000 shall fall on your right but NO PLAGUE shall come near you & your dwellings".

Even if all things may look against you now. Have Faith! He whom sacrifice himself at the cross for us, will surely turn ALL things around to make them work for your Good!

We're continue to pray for you during this period & that you know you're in our thoughts...

Rudolf & Goofy's Mummy.

Homer said...

Dear Claudette,

We are here for you if you need us.
Hugs from Homer and Homer's Missus.

PS: We can read your blog from China!

the Corgi Girls said...

It's taken us a while to catch up on your blog, just wanted to say we love you, and we're here for you if you ever need to chat, day or night. Sending lots of love and hugs...

Moxie, Izzie, & Mum (Kristen)