My mama gonna say sumthing 1st, then me gonna tell u bout me helping send off me package fur the goodie xchange...
I would like to thank each and every comment made yesterday and today, and the support u all gave me, when i was so worried about my upcoming medical precedure...My drs r fantastic and i do trust them, sooo right now i have decided to have the nodule removed..that is the only way to make sure it is cancer..and will have it sometime in early august...we plan on going camping sometime b4 that and i am not gonna miss it..sooo thank u all again...i do appreciate it..
ok, me iz back and this iz me checkin out the wrappin of the gifts fur ricky, cinders, and "the babes"... the pups me got..sooo far, it looks like the wrappin iz going good..
Here's a lookie c of sum of da stuffies we got them..heehee me thinks dat blue one has 2 squeakers in it, their mom mite get upset wiff dat had to make shure it wuz all there...
ok, here iz most of the stuffs we sended....hope ricky and "the gang" dont check me bloggie b4 it gits there.....
Heehee me tried to steal one of da stuffies, it lookied like me so me thought it wuz mine, but mama saided noooooooooo, put it back....
now the box is taped, addressed and ready to go, me had to give my ok....
that box there iz my friends package, and heehee da mailman posed fur mama when she tooked dat pictur....
noooowww u all nos when u send stuffs off, u need sumthin too, soooo me goted this blue sock monkey, heeeheee me ben a gooood boy....
and now a video of me guarding my yard from dose wrascally squeerls.....
We just heard the news about your scary medical situation. Boo hoo. Please stay brave and don't shake...the humans all mean well and will take tender care of you.
Meanwhile, we loved seeing your pics of packaging up the Box o' Fun. Ms. Alpha took care of all the details for me cause I'm still a puppy and wouldn't understand why she is SENDING toys out of the house instead of GIVING them to me! I'm glad you got to keep Blue Monkey!
Wow you got to keep the monkey!! PL2 wrote youa long post on the previous blog!!! Love and kisses A+A
Hi, Rocky!
I have my paws crossed for your Mom!
Good job with packing the goodies!
And good job barking at those squirrels!
Kisses and hugs
I'm really sorry to hear about your human Mom! We'll be keeping her in our prayers.
Man, that package looks GRRRReat! I'm sure your friends are going to love it! This International Goody Exchange is so exciting!
You're really good at guarding the yard from those pesky squirrels, Rocky... Your furocious bark is sure to scare them all away!
Glad to know your mom has made the decision. Our thoughts and prayers to her.
Ooh what a lovely package to send out!
I hope your mom will be alright and her doctor will take good care of her. You sure are cute getting the box of gifts ready. You deserve that monkey toy. :)
~ Girl girl
Thanks for the update. It's good to hear that you do trust your Dr. You may actually feel better now that you have made the decision to go ahead with the procedure. I know how exhausting it is when you're worried about making the right decision. You know that we are here to support each other even when it isn't about the dogs, kitties, hamsters etc.
Princess Eva has a message for Rocky: Even though I'm sure that it was a reward for protecting the yard from the evil squirrels, make sure that you thank your mom for letting you have the sock-monkey.
I am glad that you have decided to have the nodule checked. I know it can be scary, but it is important to take care of it. We will all be thinking of you and hoping for the best. Grammie AKA Marilyn
You did a good job with that package. I doubt that any squirrels will be in your yard long as good of job as you do.
Just read about your mama's condition. I think she made the best decision to remove it. We'll be thinking about you when you have your surgery. Rocky, those are some great goodies you got fur your friendzies! I bet they're gonna soooo love it!
Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer
How is your Mom doing? I'm sure you are sending lots of love and therapy. I will rest up and send out some oober intense ESP her way!!!
Ummm...can I have that package for the exchange! That looks like the most fun ever! oooooo stuffies!!! Treats!!!! Wheeeee!
Don't forget to post pictures of your goody exchange package!!! Go to Chef's blog and post it in the Album!!! Woohoo! Can't wait to see!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
We're thinking that Ricky, Cinders, and "the babes" are going to LOVE opening this box!
We're glad you've made your decision, Claudette. We're sure you feel a little bit better now.
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, everyone -
Look at all the neat pressies! Kaci and I (Hershey) have had our share of the mousies.
Rocky, you do a great job of getting those pesky squirrels.
Claudette, we are glad that we helped you feel a little better. We are keeping our paws crossed and sending you lots of healing licks. Mama sends her well wishes and prayers too.
Love -
Hershey, Kaci and Mama (Dianne)
Oh Claudette,
You are on my prayer list. Stay strong and know that you have a lot of folks rooting for you!
Mack's mom, Amy
Okay my turn MOM!
Hey guys,
We have a package at our house too that mom is gonna mail! HeeHee
Love you guys,
You look sooo adowablechecking on the package and guawding against the pesky suwe awe a cutie!!!
Pleez tell youw Mama that we love hew and suppowt any decision she makes!!! I think Mommi would make the same one..we'we vewy glad to heaw that youw Drs awe good!!!! the camping twip is impowtant fow hew calmness and will helphew be stwong fow the test, plus what fun!!!!
if the money stawts gwowing on the twee we'll send you some
smoochie kisses
Rocky, You mum should have gotten you another set of the same toys your mum had got for your gift exchange. Isn't that the gift exchange is all about? Getting new toys from your hoomans and receive new toys from your friends...
Rocky, that's very nice stuff you put in that box! Now we need to talk to your mama. Claudette, our mom doesn't have any words of wisdom for you, but we will pray for you not to be afraid. That is the first hurdle to finding out what the problem is. She has some relatives who are coping with cancer and mom says the best she can do for them is to pray they won't be afraid. We wish you all the luck in the world and we are keeping all our paws crossed for you!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
You are so adorable guarding your yard. You can come and guard my yard with me anytime....we can take turns. I bet you make your mummy smile all the time and that is a wonderful thing to see, isn't it? I love my mum. I am glad that your mummy has made a decision and I just know all will turn out well. I just know it in my heart. We both love you all very much.
Oh that blue monkey is too cute! Looks like you are having fun :)
Our Bow Wow Dog Blog has been nominated for a Nobel Prize Blogger award. Please help us by voting at Nobel Prize Blog!
Sorry to have missed out re you!
Hope it goes well when the time comes.
Love pats 7 pets
wow.. was a hard work..
send you a big hug and our love
Thanks so much for your vote and all of your help!
Have a super rest of the week :)
Hey Rocky, we will be thinking about your mom. The monkey is so cute, like the pic you're enjoying with it :) That's one great package full of toys!
take care
Great job on guard duty!
Tail wags,
PS: Prayers for your mom!!!
You got that monkey! How cool! That picture is beautiful!
Great video of you guarding the yard! Good job!
We are saying a prayer for your Mom. Take good care of the yard and enjoy your monkey. Looks like you are sending some good treats.
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