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This bloggy is watched over by an angel...angel lacylulu, we love u soooo much, u brought so much joy into our lives...we will miss u always....This blog is now dedicated to her memory!!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Let "sleepy dogs" lie!!!

Rocky's sleepy pitsure!!

Jodee's sleepy pitsure!!!

Rocky trying to sleep and Jodee wont let him..

You only have a few more days to enter in Reilly's "sleepy dogs" contest...They are some cute sleepy dogs on there....


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

OMD, we almost couldn't find Jodee in there:) Great Pics for Reilly's contest. Good luck Rocky and Jodee.

The blog looks so beautiful.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Kari in Alaska said...

Are you sure there is an animal in that second pic?


Asta said...

Wocky and Jodee
Those awe tewwific WINNING pictoowes..I love Jodees feeties sticking out of the toy box and poow Wocky just can't get any sneep in peace, hehehe
smoochie kisses

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

That is one well-camouflaged Jodee! Good luck in the contest.

Jed & Abby

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Duke said...

Good thing you pointed your tootsies out in that second picture, Jodee, or would have never seen them! Great camouflage!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Rocky! I is glad you found that star to cover your modesty. BOL! Jodee be very cute sleeping in the basket!
~lickies, Ludo

Kiyi Kiyi said...

LOL! That basket picture is too cute!

Lorenza said...

Those are very interseting sleeping positions!
Good luck!
Kisses and hugs

White Dog Blog said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such kind words for my brother's Gotcha Day. It meant so much to him!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

How adorable!! What is it about liitle brothers wanting to pester ya like they do. Jodee in a basket. oh my dogness tnhats too cute and a great place to dose too.

Love & {{{huggies}}}...Mona & Weenie

Amber-Mae said...

Rocky, you sure like to bare it all huh? HEE HEE

Glad to have found you blog again! It's been SO long since I last visited you guys. Hope you guys are well!

LailaSmith01 said...

Cute sleepy dogs pictures...So entertaining and funny too...I really like it...I find the captions so cute too...^_^

dog pens

White Dog Blog said...

Thanks for your prayers and good thoughts for Gregg, Dragon's dad. They worked! He got to leave the hospital this afternoon and must be at home restnig for 4-6 weeks...the pups are overjoyed!

powder-puff said...

Hey, Its been awhile :)

Great pictures. Poor rocky cant catch some shut eye

lots of love

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oh dear, I am blushing, Rocky!

Asta said...

Wocky, Jodee , Beaw and Angel Lacy Lulu
I'm thinking of all my fwiends and keeping tham close to my heawt . I hope you'we well
smoochie kisses

Moco said...

Nothing better than a nap.

Juno said...

Paws up for the second photo!!

Momo & Pinot xoxo

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Rocky, Jodee and Bear,
How're you and your pawrents?
We miss you, hope everything is well.
Love ya lots

Asta said...

You and jodeee awe two wondewful sleepy dogs. You could win a gold wibbon in sneeping!!!
Duffy hasn't talked to the animal comoonicatow, I don't think he knows how to get to hew
smoochie kisses

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

They are all so cute, especially love that last one...hehe

World of Animals, Inc said...

We love all the beautiful sleeping positions of you two. The laundry basket is a really comfy spot when filled with towels. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals