You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view

You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view
February 20, 2010 9:08 PM
I had one show up this AM - it was from one of my Cheesekhake posts from last year -
Their khomment was something 'bout the topikh not being what they expekhted -
Made me giggle -
Of khourse, it has been permanently deleted ;-)
Khyra and Her Mom
Yes, don't you just love the idiots who leave senseless comments -- no name, nothing to do with your blog, let alone your post -- and make you waste your time deleting them? Get a good number of jibberish on older posts but they're becoming more frequent on new posts too. We hate to have to go to comment moderation but if this keeps up ....
Those anonymous are appearing again.
Have a great sunday!
Kisses and hugs
Don't these stoopid spammers have something better to do with their time than bother us?! grrrrrrrrrrrrr
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We've had a lot of Chinese spam left lately with links to sites that are NOT "PG"... if you know what I mean.
And of course, we've gotten some really CRUEL comments from people within the DWB community! Yes, can you imagine?! Especially from a certain BLOG BULLY who thankfully has finally gotten the hint and doesn't visit our blog any more.
People are crap. Even some who blog for their dogs.
Fa la la la la la la.
Tail wags,
wow i can't believe that someone in the dwb community could be so rude! (responding to above comment) that's just terrible! and spammers.... yeah, we hate them. they suck. We are sorry you've had to put up with that.
Oh ick! The whole subject makes me sick. I just delete those spammy things or anything else I don't care for, but they sometimes stay in my wee brain and make me mad for a while.
Glad you got rid of that one.
Dear Claudette,
Ignore those spammers... this is YOUR blog and you can write ANY way/ anything you want to.
Moreover, the reason why we created our blogs is not to 'attract more readers'.. that's so superficial if you ask me. We created our blogs for the love of our dogs, to share their lives and to make friends with like-minded people (excluding spammers)!!
Hope you are doing ok and don't forget in a far far away place called Singapore, you have a human and 2 doggies thinking of you always1 :)
We have gotten a lot of spam lately and we thought it was just us. Some of the comments really hurt our feelings, but mom just deleted it. We like to allow anonymous posts, but now we're thinking of taking that away.
Mochi & Mommy
Grr to spammers! I am sending them virtual bites!
We have been getting the Chinese writing ones lately.. Mom just deletes them. They are really annoying though..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
we had to put the word verification thingie on our bloggy too cuz the stupid spammers put too much stuff in the comments. we hate spam, and mean spam just makes us want to snarl!
WE hate spammers too....they won't leave us alone!
Deaw Mama
Don't let those so and sos get to you..they awe stoopid and ignowant and I would like to bite them .
I got loads of those too, we had to put in the wowd vewification..and we delete all the junk..we love you and evewything you chose to put on youw blog.We awe a loving community and those jewks have nothig to do wif us
smoochie kisses
ASTa and mommi
How dare they spam your post! I remember when we got spammed about being cruel to Auntie Penny. BOL!
Just shows how stupid some peoples is.
~lickies, Ludo
You keep speaking with your own voice in your own way...that is what we love about this blog! Thanks for following the story of my brother, Quinn's adoption. So far he is a quiet good boy and I am getting to like him alot...slowly...in my own way.
Spammers! Get lost!
How are you aunt Claudette?
Please don't let those annoyance bothering you, you need to be stress free to focus on your treatment. We love you and your family, always.
I hope youw Mama is going to have a few days of no pain and feeling bettew vewy soon, we think of you and pway fow you and miss you lots..
Wocky, you would not bweak youw leg skiing, I wouldn't let anything happen to you silly
smoochie kisses
Well said. If you have nothing nice to say better to say nothing. Some people have more time than sense.
Hi, Rocky -
Spammers sure know how to ruin something that is good to a lot of people. This is one reason why Mama does not send a lot of email messages.
We love you all.
Hershey, Kaci and Mama
Very sorry to hear about this crap. Don't you hate babysitting comments? :(
LOL... those spammers sure are silly wasting their time!!
Just wanted to drop by and say hi to you and your mama. I hope the chemo isn't making her feeling too yucky.....
Always thinking about you guys!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Yuck, spammers are mean. Sorry to hear they are giving you trouble.
Sending love and hugs your way!
Are you kidding me?! How rude! I this your blog is just GREAT! Spammers not welcome!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and helping the cause of Eskie Rescue on my mom's birthday! You have a kind heart!
Nope Marley doesn't herd. She is still a pup even though she doesn't look like it.. Not sure what she would do with sheep....
We miss you.....
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
G-Mom says they are a bunch of dumb asses who have nothing better to do. She said sorry for her "french" but they irritate her too.
What a bunch of wienies.
silly spam. trouble with a good thriving community like dwb is that it attracts spam. we ignore it, sad that we had to put on comment mod though :(
Pippa xx
We really don't like to see such a comment!! Rocky's mama... you're sweet and kind. You're very special pawson. Please let this idiot go!!
Momo & Pinot
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