Help save our water....this little stream at me doggy park, the water disappears when we dont get rain....this was last year when we had enuff rain...

Without water, we lose these natural resources.....for fishing, for swimming, for fun..

There are countries in this world that would love fresh water to drink, to shower with, to give their animals...We each need to be in toned to what we can do to save it...Like for example catching rainwater, using the cold water cycle on washing our clothes, having a filter on our tap water, instead of using sooo many plastic bottle...those rings around cans and bottles, get in our waterways, and hurt or maime our wildlife...when u buy something with the rings, please cut them sooo YOU wont be the reason a bird or fish or any of GOD's creatures die....

This is a world wide project of
Blog Action Day, this project is saving water...
Now Rocky would like his bloggie back...hmmm, me loves water, to drink, but nooot soo much when me has to have a baff....that dumb ole Jodee likes to jump in the bafftub, me will neverrr understand her way of thinkin...
b safe,
~The Hudson Furkids" and mama...
pps and do what u can, to save our water...