About Me

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This bloggy is watched over by an angel...angel lacylulu, we love u soooo much, u brought so much joy into our lives...we will miss u always....This blog is now dedicated to her memory!!!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Dont furget Johann and Gracie's contest!!

Vote For Me

Dont furgit!!!! me gots to git me pitcher in....

b safe,

pps and thanks fur all the well wishes fur me mama...we all appreciate it..

Sunday, November 29, 2009

My mama's cancer!!!

w00f's all,

We a little behind right now, blame mama, we almost 400 behind in bloggie readings....Me is gonna let mama explain what is going on wiff us..

Hi all,

so sorry i am so far behind in stuff...but here goes.....As some of u know, around 2 years ago they found nodules in my left lung..(i have several little ones and one pretty big one) .i was having ct-scans every 3 months to make sure they weren't growing....i did well and then they started letting me go 6mts between ct-scans...The last scan showed the one big one was growing....i was scheduled for a lung biopsy, i got the results last monday....it is cancer...this tuesday the 1st i am to have a full body PET scan...My friend joan of the moondancehuskies, says it is prolly to c if it has spread anywhere else...My doctor is also checking my thyroid, after a ultrasound, it shows i have a nodule...the test for it is scheduled for the 17th of Dec...I will prolly get the results from the PET test next Monday..and then i guess we decide where to go from there...i guess it all rides on what that test sh0ws..I have my good days and i have my bad days...thanks to u all that have given me support and love...and a special thanks to Snowballs jie jie, Joan, Astas mommie, the sundogs of texas mom, butchy and angel snickers mama, the op pack's mom, my farmer friends in facebook that keep me busy so i wont think to much..geesh sooo many of u have helped..and i thank each and every one of u....I will let u all know what the PET says....
b safe,
~rocky and mama~

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Giving Thanks!!

Thanksgiving Day Graphics

w00fs all,

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you that celebrate it and happy day to those that dont..Today is the day when we remember all we need to b thankful for...our freedom, our family and friends (both furry and not)...we also must give (if we can) to others not as fortunate..and remember those that have lost family, friends and furkids...this is a sad season for some, so we need to lend a shoulder to them...

we will get our tributes to our angel dogs up tomorrow, then this weekend sometime, mama has had some sad news we need to tell u about...

b safe,
~rocky and mama~

Friday, November 13, 2009

Saving Ms Snickers!!

w00fs all,
we iz really sorry we not been good about posting lately, that will change...me has putted me paw down to mama...
we iz here today to ask sumthing of u all...Fergi and Jake, has a favor to ask us all.. as most of u know our Ms Snickers iz very ill and needs us to help her git well...soooo as it will b explained to u in their bloggy, we ALL need to take part in it...We love u Ms Snickers!!!!!!!
and the "paws around the world" is what we do fur each other when one of us needs our help..(me thinks mama stole it off Lacie, Stanny and Scruffys bloggie)...
a very worried,
~rocky and mama~
(since i am having trouble doing links, u can go to Gussies for updates by way of Fergi and Jakes blog)
and as far as we know, Benny, has not been found...