We wanted to wish our friends the lovely
Ms Asta and the handsome
Bailey a very happy barkday...Hope u both had a special day wiff lots of ice cream and good friends...and that u both haff many, many more!!!
Mama just wanted to say, she feels sooo bad that she has neglected to make cards for all our friends..her puter is screwy and the screen gets outta shape and its hard to make them now..but now i thinks she has learned a new way..and she has a bad bad bad sinus infection (go to dr tomorrow), if u ever had a sinus infection that settles in the bones of ur face, u know what she is dealing with..her mind is thinkin worse than usual...
and she also wanted to say, thank you very much for all the comments she got when her sister died...you will never know how much it meant to her...a special thanks to Asta's mama, the Moondance huskies mama, and Sunny and Scooters mama and Ms Snowball's Jie Jie...and Marvin's Jeannie..and to mary, jena, becky for putting her to work in farmtown to take her mind off of things..hmm she better get this posted b4 the day is over...
what a cute face!!
b safe all,
~rocky and mama~