About Me

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This bloggy is watched over by an angel...angel lacylulu, we love u soooo much, u brought so much joy into our lives...we will miss u always....This blog is now dedicated to her memory!!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Pay-it-forward From Snowy!!

Woofs all,

A while ago me play wiff Snowy in the Pay-It-Forward game..and me recieved me pressies a couple weeks ago...We can blame me being slow on mama fur not gitting this posted b4 now...Her wuz waiting on the sun to shine to git sum good piksurs, but its been cloudy or rainey since...Iffin u wants to play this game wiff me, b the 1st 3 to leave a comment to this post...Only problem iz, me cant send out gifts till after the 1st of June. Here is the rules: 

"The exchange focuses on doing an act of kindness without expecting anything in return other than that the recipient will, in their turn, pass the kindness along and 'pay it forward' in their own way.
This is how it works...
I am going to agree to send something fun, inspiring or uplifting to the first 3 blog owners who post a comment on this entry [please leave your email address if I don't already have it].
In turn you will then post about this on your blog, link to me, then send something to the first three people who sign up to play along through your blog.
There are no cost restraints, BUT don't go crazy!
The little something you send can be something you made, bought, were given or found.
No biggie, just a gift that will make the person smile.
Maybe something unique from where you live?
And, remember that kindness don't have to involve money; there are untold ways to help others every single day, everywhere you go - just look around."

Me wuz soooo excited when me got a package in the mail...Mama saided it wuz from Snowy, and me coodnt wait till me got the package open..me got sum yummmy treats (that me shared wiff Bear), he got a ball....and me got a bute ti ful bandana...me needed one so me cood send me piksur to Norwood..me has already posted a piksur of me in it on me bloggie..we tooked Bears ball to him and he wuz sooo excited, he loves balls..and he loved the treats too..

Next in the bag was the pouch, it is the most bute ti ful thing we has ever seen...Snowy's jie jie iz a wonderful painter and drawer...and since it wuz close to mamas birfday, me let her have it...she is gonna frame it, and keep it furever......Remember the 1st 3 to leave comments.....Thanks soooo much Snowy and Jie Jie, we loved it all!!!!

b safe,
~rocky, Bear and mama~

pps mamas camera dont show the card she sent good...mayb one day we can git a fancier camera...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Update on Joanie!!

w00fs all, 

Sunday in chat, us and Mona and the Mommy were discussing about Joanie the starved pup..the updates had ended on April 29th...and we wuz worried about her..Mamas sister had posted about Joanie on petfinder and they wuz all worried about her too..Monas mommy peemailed the lady in charge of the rescue, and asked them fur a update...Sadly to say, Mona and her mommys puter is sick, and she doesnt no how long it will take to fix it.....She said when she got home from work she smelled smoke in the computer room, thank dog no fire and Mona wuz safe...Please read about Joanie and her struggle to survive here...Hopefully Mona and the Mommy will b back very soon..but fur now, either us or the Dashsies will keep u all up to date..


b safe,

pps, me wuz pose to do this yesterday but mamas asthma been bad..

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mamas Day-A Day Late!!!

We Love this:::::Thank You mamas sissy...

Happy Mother's Day to all of you who have children that are bit hairier than 
others and walk on four paws! 

This is for the mothers who have sat up all night with sick dogs in their 
arms, wiping up barf laced with edible and inedible things and saying "It's 
okay baby, Mommy's here." 

Who have sat on the floor for hours on end soothing dogs who can't be 

This is for all the mothers who show up at work with dog hair on their suits, 
unexpected scratches on their wrists and poop bags in their purse, coat 
pocket, pants pocket and all other pockets. 

For all the mothers who make their own dog food and treats. And all the 
mothers who don't. 

This is for the mothers who help the new mothers deal with the loss of their 
litter. And the mothers who help them cope when they are given new homes. 

This is for the mothers whose priceless art collections consist of ribbons and 

And for all the mothers who froze their buns, sweated gallons, and swatted 
away bees to watch their precious prance into a ring and achieve 2nd place and 
then jump around as though they had won best in show. 

This is for all the mothers who go to the special pet stores to collect the 
proper treats, food and toys no matter that it take 3 stops and 50 stoplights. 

This is for all the mothers who taught their dogs to sit, come and stay. And 
for all the mothers who opted for sit. 

This is for all the mothers who teach their dogs agility and obedience and 
actually understand that it needs to be FUN! 

This is for all the mothers who took their dog to the vet assuring them that 
there would be no needles only to be told they need a blood sample. 

For all the mothers whose dog has gone missing and was returned because she 
had the forethought to have chip put between its shoulders. 

What makes a good Mother anyway? Is it patience? Compassion? Ever available 

The ability to answer the door, hold back the dog and deal with a phone call 
all at the same time? 

Or is it in her heart? 

Is it the ache you feel when you walk out the door to your job every Monday 
through Friday knowing that 2 eyes are boring into your back? 

The jolt that takes you from sleep to dread when you hear the sounds of 
heaving at 2:00 am? 

Years later, the guilt that won't go away when you have no other choice but to 
put your friend down? 

The emotions of motherhood are universal, and so this is for you all. For all 
of us... 

Hang in there. In the end we can only do the best we can. Tell them everyday 
that we love them.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mamas home!!!!!


me iz sooo happy, mama iz home!!! me and daddy gotted to eat a home cooked meal tonite..Pork Chops, daddys favorite..we iz behind on bloggies, sooo will take us a couple days to catch up...but us willlll....ooo yeah, u not gonna believe what mama tooked piksurs of, SQUEERLS!!!! LIKE  me not have enuff here, she gots to brung piksurs of them home...

b safe,

Friday, May 1, 2009

Mamas leaving me!!!

w00fs all, 

yeaaaa, me feels better, thank u everbody fur sending me healing vibes...they worked...Me wont b around fur awhile...mama iz gonna to c her sista tomorrow..and wont b back until tuesday..me gonna miss her and so iz daddy..whos gonna cook, hmm, me cant cook..if she can help me post, she wont b able to put any piksurs up..sooo me iz posting this one, so u not furgit me...Me will b at Myrna and Gilberts weddin...she will prolly check ur bloggies, not no iffin she can comment or not, but heehee u iz being watched....

b safe,