w00f's all,
Me wuz sooo happy, lookie what me gots from
Tibby....Its me bingo prize....Its a little bitty loofa doggie.....and its my favorite toy...and me got that cute card from her too, mama iz sorry, her camera fur sum reason wont take a piksur of its, it glares to bad..after we putted the piksurs to the puter she thought about scanning it...duh mama!!! Me wants to thank Tibby, fur the yummie treats and me new play toy...
and me wanted to tell u all me won
Johann and Gracies contest to win a dvd of "Marley and me."
me cant wait, they saided fur me to have tissues handy...its sad..
another thing is dont furgit
Pedro's rocks (we went lookin today),
GSD doggies contest (ends the 15th of april), and please check out
Charlie's contest, (its new)..(heehee and my mama sucks at poem riting)...
oooo yeah, me got my card from
Asta's mommi, of Bogie and his daddy, it iz pawtastic...can only imagine what the painting looks like...
there's sumthing else but mama cant member now...
b safe,