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This bloggy is watched over by an angel...angel lacylulu, we love u soooo much, u brought so much joy into our lives...we will miss u always....This blog is now dedicated to her memory!!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Fat ear...

Update on Lacylulu's fat ear...well, it is a hemotoma and they cant drain it, she has to have surgery on her little ear...she is at the vets now...lol and i am scared, her vet and me both r worried about her age and the anthesia....sooo if u will keep her in ur prayers...he is not sure he can do it tomorrow, (think his partner is out sick), but i am to call around 3:30 and c if she did have it and ready to go home between 4 and 5...if she dont have it tomorrow it will b thursday....I asked how much it wood b and he said around 200. to 225. which is good because when i was checking online they said it could cost between 400. and 800.

We still have no water, and its driving me nuts. it is suppose to rain all day tomorrow...sooo i guess it will b thursday before they can work on that...

lol and the drama keeps building....

Claudette for Lacylulu...;)


jamie said...

We've got lacylulu in our prayers. She looks like one tough little old girl. Hope you are feeling better too, Claudette.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We dropped in to catch up and were surprised to find what all we've missed. We're sorry we haven't been around for a few days and didn't know your mom's been sick and now you're going in to get a hematoma drained.

We wish you all the best. We're purring and praying for you both.

Duke said...

Paws are major crossed here for Lacylulu!
We've experienced the no water thing before too, Claudette! It's oodles of fun carrying 5 gallon pails of water from the pond or brook just to flush the toilet! We feel for you! We sure hope this problem gets resolved for you real, real soon!

Love ya lots,
Maggie, Mitch and Sue

Moco said...

We are crossing our paws for Lacylulu and her surgery. May she be home with you by the end of the week. We are also hoping that MaMa is feeling better and the water gets fixed. You will be in our thoughts.

The Airechicks said...


We've got you in our prayers....

Everything will be good ....We'll make sure your Mom is their in our prayers with you....


Harry said...

We can understand that you're worried about LacyLulu, but we too know she's a tough old girl. I bet she's missing her snuggles with you and her dad though. Sending Aire-zen to you all.

Toodle pip
Harry x

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, -

We will keep Lacylulu in our thoughts and pray that everything will be OK for her. We also knew what it was like not to be able to use water. Two weekends ago we had so much rain that the river by us crested and our septic tank backed up. Peeeeeuuuuuu!

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Balboa said...

oh dear, I hope you are all feeling better, so sorry I haven't been checking your blog. YOu both will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Balboa & Mommy

Kirby said...

Sending major Aire-Zen out to Lacy Lulu and her family. I've got all my paws crossed for you all. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Please let us know how things went.

Your pal,

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Oh my Lacy lulu

The Mommy & I are so sorry you have to have surgery. We will be praying that everything goes Ok. The Mommy has been a diabetic for about 25 years and it is very hard but she keeps hanging in there and tries to do what she know she has to do. We will be saying for prayers for both of your.

God bless...Mona & the Mommy.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Claudette.
I will have my paws crossed until Lacy Lulu is back at home. I understand you are worried but you will see everything is going to be ok!
All my love to you and Lacy Lulu.

Lizzy said...

Oh no, poor Lacylulu! We'll be praying for her every day 'till she has a full recovery! Please keep us updated!


Hammer said...

Hi Claudette
We will pray for Lacylulu and you that she will be able to cope with the anaesthesia. If the vet is very careful and monitors this very closely, Lacylulu will be fine.
Jessie had to have a big operation when she was 13 and then she had to have another procedure when she was 14, and both required anaesthesia. Mum was worried sick but the vets were very careful both times.
Did you know that Ester C tablets are very good to boost the immune system for older dogs, particularly prior to surgery. Mum gives us all an Ester C tablet each day. Ester C is gentle on our tummies.
We hope with all our hearts that Lacylulu will be alright and we understand why you are so very worried.
Love from Hammer and his mum and his family

Hammer said...

Hi Claudette and Lacylulu
We love what you have done at the top of your blog for Beau and the other missing dogs. Do you mind if we put something similar on Hammer's blog.
I'm not getting anywhere with Beau's website so will have to have a little break from blogging to get this finished because I want to add the Missing Pets web page to include Blue, Haggis and Boggie and I'll try to add something like this to Beau's website too.
Nothing can happen to Lacylulu either coz we need her and we love her too much.
Love from Susan and Hammer and the rest of the gang

Asta said...

OhClausette..we awe anxious about LacyLulu too and wil keep pwaying and I'm cwossing my paws and Mommi can't sneep she's so wowwied..we awe twying all ouw pawsitive thoughts and tewwiew vibes,,i suwe hope they wowk
sad smoochie kisses,

Joe Stains said...

We are sending all the healing thoughts to Lacy Lulu. We sure hope they will be able to help her!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I'm keeping my paws crossed for you LacyLulu. You'll be ok
Ah.. I hope you guys get water soon

~ Girl girl

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are purring for you and your family. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks

Katherine and Pippa said...

Paws crossed Claudette - for Lacy, the water (!) and your test results.

Pippa and Katherine

Amber said...

I'm sorry to hear about Lacylulu and her mom. We will pray for you both. paws cross! and be strong! I hope there's water soon!

Take care

Deetz said...

Lacylulu will be fine...I feel it in my heart, my mum said we are sending big prayers your way....

BrandytheGreat said...

Well, ive had fat ears too and i did surgery, there was water in it. Dont worry too much!
Weve got our paws crossed for ur recovery LacyLulu!

Thor and Jack said...

Claudette and Lacylulu,
You'll be in my thoughts and prayers! Paws crossed for you all! I hope you gets water soon!

Love and licks

Fred said...

Aw...Bichon hugs coming your way.

Stanley said...


We're praying here in GooberStan for you and sending you truckloads of healing goober smooches for a smooth surgery!

We also hear your mama just got home from the hospital, so please pass on some goob smooches to her too!

Keep us posted as you can, and we'll be thinking about you!

Goober love & extra goober smooches,
Stanley & Stella

The Black and Tans. said...

Lacy Lulu

We are thinking of you and have all our paws crossed that you make a brilliant recovery from your operation.

We hope your Mum is feeling much better too. Take care of yourselves

Molly and Taffy

Maya and Kena said...

We were about to post a comment telling you that we are praying extra hard fur Lacy Lulu (and fur the water too), but while the window was loading, we read ahead the post that came after this one... we are weeping and our mommy's eyes are closed with tears racing down. We feel horrible right now.. Lacy Lulu was such a lovable little lady and there is no doubt she will be missed greatly. But at least now she is running and jumping like a puppy with all her fur pals in heaven, and she is looking down over her family and friends.
We don't think anyone will get over the sadness of this anytime soon. Lacy Lulu: you were one of our bestest furriends.
Lots of comforting licks,
Maya and Kena