About Me

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This bloggy is watched over by an angel...angel lacylulu, we love u soooo much, u brought so much joy into our lives...we will miss u always....This blog is now dedicated to her memory!!!!

Friday, November 30, 2007


me has been tagged by da wildcatsthree http://wildcatsthree.blogspot.com/ me is pose to: When tagged, you must link to the person who tagged you. Then post these rules, and list 8 happy things about yourself. At the end of your list, you must tag and link to 8 other people.

me iz changing this jus a little...to 8 fings u dont know bout me and mama....

1) my mama has COPD and lung cancer, and she has to have a CT scan ever so many months to make shure the spots r not growing...

2) my mama has learneded sooo much stuffs since she had dis bloggy...iffin at 1st u not get it right, try try again...

3) me and mama boff luv meeting all of u..we has meeted doggys, kittys and hamsterriers plus their peeple from all over da world.

4) me iz usually a quiet doggy, unless me sees sumthin in me yard, den me barks likie crazie...

5) my daddy luvs me jus as much as me mama...

6) me kinda afraid of me big brudder...flash backs from when me wuz attacked.

7) me mama and daddy will celebrate 30 yrs together next februrary...
8) me and mama, iz not happy when we hears bout any of u sick or went to da rainbow bridge....we want u all to b safe and healthy, that goes fur all of u, ur bros or sistas and ur peeple....

Now me has to pass dis on to 8:

1) Blue http://ifonlyifonlyid.blogspot.com/
2) Huskee Boy http://huskeeboy.blogspot.com/
3) Katie, Zorra and Sam http://katiezipperdoodle.blogspot.com/
4) Cassidy and Harry http://www.cassidytheairedale.blogspot.com/
5) River http://rivsky-river.blogspot.com/
6) Cosmos and Juneau http://woosneighs-marlene.blogspot.com/
7) Gus and Louie http://gustheblueheeler.blogspot.com/
8) Puff and Ivy http://powderpuff-thewug.blogspot.com/

me hopies me did dis right....wellll dog nab it, my linkies no worked, will haff to work on it som more


Asta said...

You do evewything just wight!! DOn't you wowwy..the technical stuff is not the impowtant pawt..it's youw heawt that's impowtant,and you have a vewy big one!
I liked all those facts xept that youw Mama is sick..I hope the spots don't evew gwow and she stays healthy fow a long long time!!
WE all love you so vewy much!
I was supposed to do this tag..I don't even wemembew who asked me, I'm so ashamed, but i get all caught up in things that come up
smoochie kisses

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

of course you did it right Lacy! you are the bestest!

My Jeannie says to give your Mama many Scottish Healing Hugs and hope she gets betterest very soonest!

We learned a lot too, and my Jeannie is as daft as can be with internet stuff. Your blog is looking cool, we love you, just sorry we cannot comment every day, there are so many but we loves you!

love and healing licks from Marvin xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

You did just fine. We were sorry to hear about your mamma's health problems, but we bet it helps having you to make her life happier. We also hate to hear about our fellow hounds (or even kitties) going to the rainbow bridge...our lives are just too short. You take care....
Abby and Rosie

Duke said...

You are one of the sweetest girls we know, Lacylulu! You know more about computer stuff than our mom does! You make beautiful cards and we haven't got a clue where to even start in that department!
Your parents have almost been married for as long as ours! We hope your mom lives for a long, long time to come!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

My grammie and Pappy have been married 33 years next feb. We are sorry to hear about your mama. We are going to keep her in our healing thoughts.

Ferndoggle said...

30 years? That's like 3039 in Dog years. They must like each other a whole bunch.

We're so glad we met you too Lacy. We're sorry to hear your Mama's icky lungs. Our Grandpap has icky lungs too. But Doggies are great sources of healing & comfort. We're good for bad lungs!

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Harry said...

We are so sorry to hear your poor mum hs been so sick. Sending lots of Aire-zen her way.

Thanks for the tag, we'll do it over the weekend.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Headgirl said...

Hi there!

Am sooo sorry to hear about Mama's cancer - she has well wishes from me.
You two, do very well on your blog, its full of love & compassion.

Will do your 8 tag over the w/e.

Pats & pets

Noah the Airedale said...

Cripes LacyLulu, we're sorry to hear your mum is unwell. We think you must make her feel pretty good though. We'd like to send your mum lots of licks and woofs.
You have such a great blog, you and your mum do a wonderful job.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Thor and Jack said...

I am so sorry to hear your mama is sick, Lacylulu! Hope she gets better soon!!

Lots of licks to you and mama!

Stanley said...

Even without you posting all of these things about yourself & your mama, it's obvious your heart is too big for your body!!

Please give your mama extra goober smooches. I hope she feels better & better. It can't be easy living with illness.

Goober love & smooches,